Built to help you grow your Vrbo rental business

Free and secure business checking account built for your Vrbo rental business. Get more time back to keep your renters happy.

Built to help you grow your Vrbo rental business

Free and secure business checking account built for your Vrbo rental business. Get more time back to keep your renters happy.

Manage your Vrbo rental business confidently and securely

Save valuable time

Connect all your accounts to Novo, and manage your business online or from the tips of your fingers.

Effortless budgeting and bookkeeping

Budget like a pro with Novo Reserves, and auto-categorize all of your debit card payments.

Tools to support your continued growth

Speed up your incoming and outgoing payments when you use Novo Boost and Express ACH.

Spend less time managing your back office

It’s your time, and we want to give it back to you. Save time managing your Vrbo rental business finances, and invest in improving your properties.

  • Keep your business and personal finances separate, and never commingle funds again
  • Integrate your Novo account with Quickbooks, Stripe, Xero, and thousands more
  • Access your Novo account from any device, anywhere, and at any time

Manage your barber shop's finances from one effortless account

With Novo, you can access your sales, revenue, and more when you connect your Novo account to the tools you already use. Focus on growing your business, and leave the back office to us.




Apple Wallet

Google Pay


Supercharge your invoices

Novo Invoicing saves you time and gets you paid faster. With Novo, you can automate getting paid, from your accounts receivable to transaction reconciliation.

  • Get paid via card, ACH, Buy Now/Pay Later, P2P apps, and more
  • Get paid up to 95% faster on all Stripe-enabled payments with Novo Boost
  • Connect Novo invoices to Stripe or Square in a few clicks
novo invoice on app

Streamline your Vrbo renting finances with Novo business checking

Put our small business banking expertise to work for you. Get your free Novo account, and save time & money today.

  • View all of your business finances from one account
  • Manage your rental business safely and securely with an FDIC-insured Novo account*
  • Get fast, personalized customer support from real humans
  • Separate your business & personal expenses when you use your Novo Debit or Virtual Card
  • Simplify your budgeting and integrate with all the tools you already use
*Banking services are provided by Middlesex Federal Savings, F.A.; Member FDIC.
Novo is a fintech, not a bank. Banking services provided by Middlesex Federal Savings, F.A. Member FDIC.