How much will you pay in Stripe transaction fees?

Calculating Stripe fees for customer payments is easy with our calculator. Enter the payment amount to calculate Stripe's transaction fees and what you should charge to receive the full amount.

Payment Amount
Stripe fee:
$ --
You'll receive:
$ --
To take home $--, you should ask for:
$ --
How much will you pay in Square fees?

Calculate how much you’ll pay in Square fees for online, in-person, and manually-entered payments.

Payment Amount
Square fees
Amount received after fees
In-person payments
For in-person payments with a card, Square charges a fee of 2.6% + $0.10 per transaction.
$ --
$ --
Manually-entered payments
For manually-entered payments or card-on-file payments, Square charges a fee of 3.5% + $0.15 per transaction.
$ --
$ --
Online payments
For online payments or payments via invoice, Square charges a fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction. (If you're signed up for the Premium plan, the percentage fee is lower at 2.6%.)
$ --
$ --
Calculate estimated loan payments in seconds

Enter your loan information to get an estimated breakdown of how much you'll pay over the lifetime of your loan.

Loan Amount
Loan Term
Loan APR
If you borrow -- over -- at an interest rate of --, you will pay a total amount of --, or -- per month.
Minimum monthly payment:
$ 0.00
Average monthly interest:
$ 0.00
Total interest paid:
$ 0.00
Total amount paid:
$ 0.00

he day has finally come to share some big news: The Novo Virtual Card is here!

Since the pandemic hit, virtual card usage has been on the rise. Virtual cards are now used more often than physical cards! Novo is always working to stay up-to-date with what our users want and need in their business banking account.  

Popularity isn’t the only reason we wanted to bring a virtual card to your account. From fraud protection to ease of use, here are a few benefits of utilizing your virtual card: 

Spend money immediately upon opening your Novo account

While a physical card has to be mailed out and can take weeks to arrive, your virtual card is visible and ready for use as soon as you sign into your new account. We know making purchases in a timely manner is essential for small businesses. No more waiting to utilize your funds. 

Increased fraud protection with your virtual card

There are several ways that a virtual card can help mitigate fraudulent activity. Virtual cards cannot be physically stolen or re-used. They are also able to be encrypted and stored securely with a password. Finally, you can immediately freeze your card straight from your app should you suspect any charges.

Instant transaction notifications

As soon as you spend money with your virtual card, you will receive a push notification notifying you of your purchase. This will be helpful for tracking purchases and keeping on top of your spending habits. 

Set up your virtual card with Apple/Google pay 

In just a few taps, you can instantly connect your virtual card to Apple and Google pay to use in brick-and-mortar stores. And if you don’t plan on using it in-store, you can always use your card number to purchase items online. 

“As a growing business, you shouldn’t have to rely on the physical mail to be able to spend your own money, especially when a purchase is mission-critical to your business. The Novo virtual card makes it seamless to spend anywhere from your Novo account.”

How do you access your virtual card? 

From the mobile app, go to Account > Debit Card > Virtual Card. From there, you’ll be able to activate, freeze, and defrost your card. You’ll even be able to copy your card details and add it directly to your Apple/Google wallet. 

From the web app, navigate to the debit card tab on the left. From there, you’ll see your virtual card. You can activate it right here, and this is where you’ll return if you ever need to freeze or defrost your Novo Virtual Card. 

As always, if you face any trouble with your virtual card, please contact us through the Support tab of your app or by emailing us at Happy spending! 

sign up for Novo: powerfully simple business banking with no hidden fees

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.


Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

January 3, 2022
Company News

All-in-one money management

Take your business to new heights with faster cash flow and clear financial insights —all with a free Novo account. Apply in 10 minutes.